Public Display of Imagination Adventures by Date

This podcast features the creative minds of some of the best storytellers to ever leave ink on the page. Each week, the host and the listening audience are taken on an adventure by a NY Times or USA-Today Best-Selling author. In most cases, their latest release is featured, but in every case, their approach to the craft and their overall volume of work is discussed.

Probing questions are asked and secrets are revealed. The goal of each conversation is to introduce readers to their next favorite read and to bring storytellers, of all skill levels, face to face with a reflective thought that might guide them into better writing.

MARCIA CLARK – Final Judgment

Date: April 24, 2020

She’s a bestselling author who began her legal career as a criminal defense attorney and went on to become a prosecutor in the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office in 1981. She spent 10 years in the Special Trials Unit, where she handled a number of high profile cases, some of which resulted in legislation that offered… Click here to see more.

TOM STRAW aka Richard Castle

Date: April 17, 2020

The gracious and debonair, Tom Straw, takes us on today’s Adventure. He published his first mystery novel, The Trigger Episode, in 2007. Then, he got an opportunity to ghost write a series of books for a popular TV Series, featuring a best-selling crime novelist, who had been given permission by his friend, the mayor, to… Click here to see more.

SARA PARETSKY – V.I. Warshawski

Date: March 27, 2020

She grew up in rural Kansas, but moved to Chicago in the mid-60’s to do community service work in the same neighborhood where Martin Luther King was inspiring residents to take a stand for civil rights. In 1982, she introduced readers to a street-wise investigator who was willing to use force to get answers and… Click here to see more.

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    What is a goal? It’s been defined in many ways, most of them so complex that things get fuzzy and complicated. Put simply, a goal is something you want to do. PUSH is designed to help readers think about things more simply. Identify your goals and put forth the simple, dedicated effort to achieve them.

    You may not realize it, but you’re being watched. It happens each day in the most undetectable way. Somewhere, someone is watching. You touch more lives and topple more dominoes than you could ever imagine. For someone, you are the light in their darkness or the example to which they aspire.

    Why do you do what you do? It’s a useful question to ponder. If you knew that no one would hear your song, would you still sing? Knowing that the chairs in the auditorium will be empty, will you still take the stage and dance just as enthusiastically? Explore why you do what you do and develop self-trust and quiet confidence.